Womankind 2024 by Cultured Concepts

Womankind 2024 by Cultured Concepts

By Frankie Mohammed
updated 12APR2024 11:05

HOUSTON, Texas (CA) — Doesn’t it feel so good to be on Emancipation Ave on a beautiful Houston day?  On March 23rd Houston’s finest entrepreneurs held a remarkable gathering at Tribeca HTX (@tribecahtx), known for its industrial charm and contemporary flair.  The Womankind 2024 Women's Conference, orchestrated by the art visionary Diamond Ashman (@D.Gemm) of Cultured Concepts, brought together an eclectic mix of women leaders, entrepreneurs, and creatives from the wellness space as a celebration of the divine feminine, a deep dive into personal empowerment, and a showcase of artistic expression that resonated with every attendee.

D. Gemm, a beacon of creativity and community spirit, orchestrated the Womankind Women's Conference with the meticulousness of a master curator and the compassion of a holistic guide. Her journey from freelance artist and body painter to the visionary founder of Cultured Concepts speaks to her deep commitment to empowering and uniting through art. D. Gemm has historically been great at creating spaces that foster meaningful connections, whether through her early ventures in coordinating showcase events for local talents or her recent endeavors in bridging corporate clients with creatives for impactful collaborations.

For this event, she delved into her vast network of artists, speakers, and wellness practitioners, handpicking individuals whose stories and expertise would resonate most profoundly with attendees. Each panelist, artist, and workshop leader was chosen not just for their accomplishments but for their ability to inspire, challenge, and uplift.  D. Gemm's approach transcended mere event organization, aiming instead to create a series of experiences designed to nurture the soul, provoke thought, and inspire action.

Her foresight in recognizing the synergies between diverse forms of expression – from martial arts to journaling, from skin care to yoga – exemplified her belief in the interconnectedness of our physical, mental, and spiritual health. D. Gemm's role in the conference was akin to that of a conductor, ensuring each element harmonized to create an unforgettable symphony of empowerment, enlightenment, and community. Through her efforts, the conference became a mirror reflecting her own journey: an odyssey of transformation, healing, and unabashed celebration of the feminine divine.

Speaking of divine femininity, my anticipation was high as I arrived at the venue, ready to delve into the day's events. My familiarity with D. Gemm gave me a premonition of the extraordinary gathering that lay ahead. Conveniently parked just across the street, a mere twenty steps from the front door, I felt a surge of excitement. Life was indeed good!  Especially when you get a good parking spot under a tree oh my goodness.

The conference, designed to celebrate the collective strength and uniqueness of women, delivered on its promise. It was a day replete with enlightening panels, transformative workshops, and a vibrant sense of community. From the celebrity panels, to the full contact martial arts demos and sound healing sessions, attendees found themselves in an environment ripe for growth, healing, and empowerment.

Upon entering Tribeca, the energy was palpable. The recent rains had left the streets clean, enhancing the beauty of the day. Then, as if on cue, around 500 motorcyclists and trike riders provided an unexpected spectacle, cruising down Emancipation Avenue. Seizing the moment, I ventured out to capture their parade, managing to photograph nearly every participant. The traffic, surprisingly accommodating, allowed me to snap away unhindered.

Let me tell you why I was outside on the street taking pictures not in the Women's Conference.  Back in August I was at a celebration at Exchange to Change and I had to chance to take a few pictures there and address the audience.  I was talking about how you don't have to wait to be excellent at something.  Maybe it's taking a picture, or singing a song, or making things.  Go try. See what happens.  I met the most amazing people there let me tell you.    After getting sidetracked and having a brief adventure, I returned on foot to Tribeca, already having secured the first batch of photos of motorcycle photographs for the Women's Conference. 😹

The welcoming committee, comprised of familiar figures from the Houston art scene, set a sophisticated tone for the event. Yahzmen, Sydney, and Kanika, luminaries in Houston's holistic and arts community, greeted attendees with their customary elegance and grace.

Yahzmen Jaylynn, known for her collaborative spirit and holistic approach to art and healing, gracefully managed the front door, welcoming guests with her radiant energy contributing significantly to the warm and inclusive atmosphere. Her recent collaborations, including an airport art showcase with artist Kanika Blair and ongoing art work with Cultured Concepts highlight her active grind in the Houston art community. Her subtle presence was a testament to the diverse contributions that help make such gatherings a success.

The Breathe Lounge, under the vibrant leadership of Sydney Hayes, played a significant role as a sponsor at the event. With Sydney's belief in holistic wellness and empowerment deeply rooted in her business model, her presence at the conference brought an enriching layer of community and self-care. It was not just a showcase of her entrepreneurial spirit but also a testament to the values of women's empowerment and the nurturing of future generations.

Sydney, accompanied by her two daughters, offered a live example of these principles in action, embodying the event's theme of nurturing and empowerment from a young age. They offered free classes with mats to attendees, symbolizing the foundation of physical wellness and the seeds of knowledge and empowerment being sown in the fertile minds of the young ones present.  Among these young attendees was D. Gemm’s daughter, who, with youthful curiosity, made several adorable stage appearances to be near her mother. These interactions highlighted D. Gemm's patient and loving approach to parenting, illustrating her belief in non-punitive discipline and the importance of nurturing a child's spirit in a supportive environment. The event, thus, became a microcosm of the broader goals of empowerment, education, and community support, championed by these remarkable women and their contributions.

I noticed the kids had their own table for art activities and they were completely thrilled with it!  Genius move.  I focused my attention back to the stage and got to snapping pictures and video.

The flow of the events were entrusted to the capable hands of Mercé Harrell (@merceharrell), the moderator, who expertly navigated the varied themes and facilitated meaningful dialogues starting with the Motherhood panel. As we move forward, the conference  would continue to unfold layers of enrichment, promising insights into workshops and activities that contributed to the profound experience of the Womankind Women's Conference.

After lounging with the artists it was time to get the panels and workshops going.  I followed Mercé and D. Gemm to the stage and took my seat enjoying the nice music and vibe.  The bar was serving drinks and I'm feeling great there just a few seats away from the legendary Master Fundi Fe, just taking it all in.  Later she would get real serious with everyone in the room.

Can We Get Real for a Minute?

Self Defense by Master Fundi Fe

Now when I tell you  the dynamic shifted.  You know how it is, you're in a room full of this feminine energy where everything is just fresher, sweeter, nicer, simply resplendent.  Where that part of the divine masculine is simply not needed at that moment right now.  Looking back on it now, I see Master Funde's meticulous crafting and execution.  It was like we're all getting ready to load up on the spaceship and everyone is just so happy and Boom she comes in with THIS is...!!- Ladies and gentlemen we have liftoff 🚀 - My words couldn't do it justice and nobody lived it better than the people who were there.  Video below.

Master Fundi Fe Self Defense

Next Week -  Martial Arts Exhibition Demonstration part 1 -  Close Quarters Combat (CQC).


Master Fundi Fe Teaches
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I have about 12 more weeks of updates on this one! with stories from...

Alicia Dugar Stephenson (@AfroYogaQueen):  Experienced registered yoga teacher (ERYT500), known for integrating yoga practice with personal growth and world peace initiatives.

Mercé Harrell (@merceharrell):  Educator and wardrobe stylist with experience across various cities, focusing on uplifting community through fashion and styling.

Andrea Pitt (@whoisandrea):  The Artelebrity, artist, educator, curator, model, influencer, and mom who contributes to cultural refinement and artistic experiences.  She led a sound bowl session.

Candyss Roberson (@candyss.love):  Intuitive emotional healing therapist, former police officer, skincare line entrepreneur, and author, who participates in panel discussions offering life and spiritual advice.

Diamond Ashman (@d.gemm):  Organizer of the women's conference, known for bringing together influential figures for empowerment and divine feminine flow discussions.

Dr. Lindsay Sillas (@joyandpainblog):  Obstetrician-Gynecologist focused on reducing maternal mortality and improving women's mental health post-childbirth.

Master Fundi Fe (@masterfundife): Renowned martial artist, multiple times world champion, holistic health advocate, and entrepreneur. She led a compelling session on self-defense at the conference, demonstrating practical techniques and emphasizing the importance of women's physical safety and empowerment. Beyond martial arts, she also crafts homemade wines under her brand Blitch’s Brew, further showcasing her multifaceted contributions to the community.

Nicole Durham
(@thecaulkartist):  Houston-based visual textured artist, utilizing caulk in her artworks to express emotional and physical journeys.

Raveen Alexis (@raveenalexis):  Wellness writer and yoga instructor, focusing on positive self-talk and mental health through journaling and honest expression.

Shawnti Refuge (@ShawntiRefugeJournals):  Certified Mental Health Coach, advocate, keynote speaker, and author, known for empowering personal growth through guided journaling.

Sherrelle (@burstofbeauti.aesthetics):  Houston esthetician and entrepreneur, specializing in pigmentation, age management, and providing holistic skincare solutions.

Sydney Hayes (@thebreathelounge):  Owner/CEO of The Breathe Lounge, focusing on holistic therapy for mental, physical, and spiritual wellness.

Toni Dupree (@etiquetteandstyle)Etiquette expert, author, and public speaker, offering guidance on social confidence and personal development through etiquette training.

Yahzmen Jaylynn (@yahzmen.jaylynn):  Artist and healer, known for her work with Ocean House Healing and her participation in wellness and community events.

More to follow…

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